Install and Run

Before installing Vizier DB Web UI, you should install VizierDB - Web API. The Web API is the backend that provides the API that is used by the Vizier DB Web UI.

Install VizierDB - Web API

Installation is still a bit labor intensive. The following steps seem to work for now (requires Anaconda). If you want to use Mimir modules within your curation workflows a local installation of Mimir v0.2 is required. Refer to this guide for Mimir installation details.

Python Environment

To setup the Python environment clone the repository and run the following commands:

>>> git clone
>>> cd web-api
>>> conda env create -f environment.yml
>>> source activate vizier
>>> pip install git+
>>> pip install -e .

As an alternative the following sequence of steps might also work (e.g., for MacOS):

>>> git clone
>>> cd web-api
>>> conda create --name vizier pip
>>> source activate vizier
>>> pip install -r requirements.txt
>>> pip install -e .
>>> conda install pyqt=4.11.4=py27_4


The web server is configured using a configuration file. There are two example configuration files in the config directory (depending on whether including Mimir config-mimir.yaml or not config-default.yaml).

The configuration parameters are:


  • server_url: Url of the server (e.g., http://localhost)
  • server_port: Server port (e.g., 5000)
  • app_path: Application path for Web API (e.g., /vizier-db/api/v1)
  • app_base_url: Concatenation of server_url, server_port and app_path
  • doc_url: Url to API documentation


  • directory: Path to base directory for file server
  • max_file_size: Maximum size for file uploads


  • identifier: Engine type (i.e., DEFAULT or MIMIR)
  • name: Engine printable name
  • description: Descriptive text for engine
  • datastore: - directory: Base directory for data store


  • directory: Base directory for storing viztrail information and meta data

name: Web Service name

debug: Flag indicating whether server is started in debug mode

logs: Path to log directory

When the Web server starts it first looks for the configuration file that is reference in the environment variable VIZIERSERVER_CONFIG. If the variable is not set the server looks for a file config.yaml in the current working directory.

Note that there is a config.yaml file in the working directory of the server that can be used for development mode.

Run Server

After adjusting the server configuration the server is run using the following command:

>>> cd vizier
>>> python

Make sure that the conda environment has been activated using source activate vizier.

If using Mimir the gateway server sould be started before running the web server.

API Documentation

For development it can be helpful to have a local copy of the API documentation. The repository README contains information on how to install the UI locally.

Install VizierDB - Web UI

Start by cloning the repository and switching to the app directory.

>>> git clone
>>> cd web-ui

Inside the app directory, you can run several commands:

Install build dependencies

>>> npm install

Start the development server

>>> npm start

Bundles the app into static files for production

>>> npm build

Additional Commands

Starts the test runner.

>>> npm test

Remove this tool and copies build dependencies, configuration files and scripts into the app directory. If you do this, you can’t go back!

>>> npm eject


The UI app connects to the Web API server. The Url for the server is currently hard-coded in the file public/env.js. Before running npm start adjust the Url to point to a running Web API server. By default a local server running on port 5000 is used.